Description: Kangoo Jumps

Times: Thursday’s at Maxwell Park Community Centre    7-8pm       &        Tuesdays 7-8pm starting 1st Oct



More info: Our 60-minute classes are suitable for all ages, shapes & sizes.
StayFitwithCrina uses High Intensity Interval Training to maximise
fat-burning whilst the boots act as a resistance tool, strengthening leg muscles and engaging the core.
Every muscle in the body is used when rebounding and injuries are prevented as the boots reduce the shock to the ankles, shins, knees, hips and spine.

Leave the class buzzing due to fast release of endorphins and many calories burned!

It reduces body fat, tones your body, increases your agility, strengthens your muscles, provides an aerobic effect for your heart, rejuvenates you when you are tired, but best of all, it makes you smile! It’s a fact that rebounding induces an immediate state of euphoria.